
Welcome to SNK! My name is Scot DeBocker and I'll be your guide today..

The company was started as a hobby, that eventually became a side hustle by myself, a manufacturing engineer, former amp tech helper/apprentice and guitarist. The goal was to create circuits that I had a particular interest in, so as to stay personally invested in the overall outcome. Basically, I really have to be excited about a circuit before it's released out into the wild. 
As this side hustle slowly begins to take on a life of it's own I am really excited to be able to commit more of my time to SNK. The various pedal designs (including the popular VHD) have lead me into the world of amplification as well.
So as SNKpedals morphs into SNKamplifiers (SnkElectronics?) I am very excited to already have 3 amplifier designs available for sale, which includes my first high voltage tube design available for purchase.
Please stay tuned as the SNK story is evolving rapidly.
